Nathan Boiron

Web dev ʘ‿ʘ


Bedrock Streaming 08/2022 • Now
Symfony GraphQL AWS Terraform PHPStan Git

Bedrock is creating a complete streaming platform for different clients like Salto or M6.

TotalEnergies 10/2016 09/2021
TYPO3 Laravel Doctrine PHPStan SOAP Git

TotalEnergies is a French electric utility company which produces and distributes gas and electricity.

  • TYPO3 configuration (pages, options, etc.)
  • Subscription form with complex steps
  • Consumption simulator
  • Client login flow
  • Admin login flow
  • Logging tool for WebServices and errors
  • Internal tools (e.g. monitoring)
Micro framework

This micro framework was developed to access the company's data the same way in the website and the API.

  • Composer for dependencies
  • Standalone Doctrine setup for several databases
  • Custom library to call SOAP and HTTP WebServices
  • Enum system to handle business "magic constants"
  • Documentation with MkDocs
  • Unit and feature tests using PHPUnit
  • Code analysis with PHPStan
  • Built using Laravel
  • OAuth via Laravel Passport
  • Documentation OpenAPI
Globalis 12/2015 06/2016
PHP SVN Git Bootstrap Docker

Globalis is an IT service company based in Paris. I was on mission at L'Obs.

The Nouvel Obs is a French online and paper magazine.

  • Home made PHP framework
  • Started and helped the transition from SVN to Git
  • Setup of an internal Gitlab
  • Backoffice to visualize create pages
  • Worked on the complete refactor of the Article page
  • Discovery of Docker as a dev environment
Osedea 03/2014 08/2015
Laravel Zend Ionic AngularJS Git

Osedea is a web agency based in Montréal, Québec. I started as an intern and continued on as an employee. The company was small when I started, so I had the opportunity to build/discover a lot. It was also my first time working on macOS and with a different keyboard layout than the french one.

WeSpeakStudent is the first big project I worked on at Osedea.


  • Built with Zend framework 2 and Doctrine
  • Emails are sent using Mandrill
  • Schools, accounts, students management
  • Paiements dashboard
  • Documents manager
  • Google Analytics dashboard
  • Push notifications
  • Student backend to manager their school's app
  • Rest API


  • Build with AngularJS
  • Responsive and multi-lang
  • Students can pay for their health insurance using Stripe
  • Setup of for SEO


  • Built with Ionic
  • Released on iOs and Android
  • One app per school (example)
  • Public transport information is available using the GTFS standard
Techs : Zend 2 AngularJS Bootstrap Ionic Git

Morcare is an international version of WeSpeakStudent.

Techs : Zend 2 AngularJS Bootstrap

We built a tool to help with vehicle usage planing in a mine in Canada.

The assigning of vehicles was based on a lot of parameters and was done semi-manually using Excel.

The tool consists of a web app built with Zend 2 and AngularJS. It was able to assign vehicles automatically based on different criteria.

This project allowed us to visit San Francisco for 4 days and participate in the 2014 Tech Crunch's Disrupt SF Hackathon.

Techs : Zend 2 AngularJS Bootstrap Git

FamilyReach Give is a crowdfunding app to help families who have a child with cancer.


  • Built with Laravel and AngularJS
  • The association people can manage families, payments and parameters
  • Data is exposed via a REST APi


  • Built with Ionic
  • Payments in-app using Stripe
Techs : Laravel 4 AngularJS Bootstrap Ionic Beanstalk

Gigleaf is a website that helps freelance artists to find gigs.

  • Built with Laravel
  • Single Page Application
  • Queued jobs using Beanstalk
  • Task scheduling using Laravel scheduler
  • Emailing using Mandrill API
Techs : Laravel 5 AngularJS Bootstrap Beanstalk

This is the first project I worked on during my internship at Osedea.

It's an app for doctors made using Ionic. All the content is static.

Techs : AngularJS Ionic

Osd is a tool for the terminal that I started building and kept working on for the entire time I was in the company.

It was first built as a single bash script but was quickly rebuilt using Node.js

It allowed to automate some of the company's processes.

  • SSH aliases management
  • Projects versions management (git tags, package.json)
  • Cordova projects compilation to iOs or Android
  • Time management
  • Project skeleton generation
  • Code snippets generation
Techs : Node.js Cordova Git Bash
MorningCroissant 07/2013 09/2013
PHP Zend 1

MorningCroissant is a house rental platform for your or other people's places.

  • A drag&drop uploader for photos
  • HTML integration of psd models
  • SEO
  • Wikipedia crawler
  • Improvements on the internal search engine
  • A/B testing solution
  • Visual calendar to choose availabilities
RATP 03/2011 06/2011

The Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens (RATP) is the public transport operator of Paris and it's surroundings.